Want to Network Better?

The old way is SO 2021!

❌ Business cards (that get lost)
❌ Saving new contacts in your phone

❌ Manual follow up (if any)


You could simply...

1️⃣ Have them scan a QR code

2️⃣ Chat automatically in Messenger or IG 3️⃣ Follow up on auto-pilot!

 Want to Network Better?

The old way is SO 2019!

❌ Business cards (that get lost)

❌ Saving new contacts in your phone

❌ Manual follow up (if any)


You could simply...

1️⃣ Have them scan a QR code

2️⃣ Chat automatically in Messenger

3️⃣ Follow up on auto-pilot!

Exclusive ManyChat Template by Tracey Matney, Messenger Marketing Expert & CEO of Victory Points

See what Pedro Adao "The Challenge Guy" has to say about the Networking Bot

 Want to Network Better?

The old way is so 2019!

❌ Business cards (that get lost)

❌ Saving new connections in your phone

❌ Forgetting to follow up

OR you could simply...

1️⃣ Have them scan a QR code

2️⃣ Chat automatically in Messenger or IG

3️⃣ Trade info quickly, and follow up on auto-pilot!

Exclusive ManyChat Template by Tracey Matney, Messenger Marketing Expert & CEO of Victory Points

If you're like me at FHL trying to network,

you are EXCITED to meet people!

At any networking event, you want to:

  • make all the right connections

  • collect info of new friends and potential partners

  • keep track of all your leads, so you can follow up!

BUT you get busy.

AND you forget to follow up with your leads.

AND the old-school ways of networking with business cards and typing out emails or DMs manually really slow you down.

Instead, you need a digital solution that's easy to set up and connects with your current systems...

You can totally get that done TODAY in about 15 minutes with my Networking Chatbot Template & Training!

Get access to my ManyChat Pro Template that I use to connect with leads throughout the year.  You'll also get a walkthrough training video, so you're not left alone to figure it out on your own.

Last Chance!

Get "Course Launch Training" for just $19.80 (until Sun Aug. 16th)
Just $19.80 $147.00 (86.4% discount) until:

So here is how it works...

5+ ways to start the conversation:
Personalized Intro (and graphic):
Lead Info Capture:

Click the button below to buy the template, and you'll instantly receive the Chatbot Template and an EASY PEASY How-To Video so you can customize yours TODAY.

And don't take just my word for it... see what Funnelhacker James Havis had to say...

This Networking Chatbot Template is For:

Coaches & Consultants

Connect with new friends and contacts FASTER, so you can leverage your expertise serving people via your online courses, products, and memberships. You might be used to tech or maybe you've dabbled in chatbots, but this is a surefire way to get it done fast and start making the impact you desire.

Brick & Mortar Owners

Build a database of fans and reach even more people beyond foot traffic or walk-ins. Chatbots are a great way to get leads and sales while building your list.

eCommerce Store Owners

Leverage your networking prospects to connect with strategic partners so you can sell more products as well as make a greater impact on your bottom line. Maybe even take a break from the screen and be with your family.

Service Providers & Agencies

Learn how to grow your list, connect with your leads, and get more sales of your services with the power of lead-generating chatbots. People need to see you and it may take several touches to convert them. Follow-up is key, so you need your chatbot set up the right way.

Here's exactly what you get:

Networking Chatbot Template ($500 Value)

Get my Plug & Play ManyChat PRO template with just a few clicks. Make 1 sale and you've got your money back 10x.

(ManyChat Pro service required)

Step By Step Video Training ($100 Value)

I'll walk you through step by step and share my screen, setting up this networking bot for an actual client of mine. It's so easy!!

BONUS: Canva Template for  Graphics

Swap out my photo for yours in this Canva template, and upload it to your chatbot so it looks super professional and personalized!

The Right Connections Can Be Worth $,$$$,$$$

You get all this for one payment of $47

Take advantage of the tens of thousands of dollars I've personally spent learning DM Automation, becoming certified, making mistakes, and figuring out best practices.

About Tracey Matney & Victory Points Social

I got my start in sales & marketing with the WORST job you can possibly imagine...


Let me take you back to the Summer of 2009 (yep, that 2009)...

The US was in the biggest recession it had seen since the Great Depression, and I was selling THREE HUNDRED DOLLAR books door-to-door in Michigan -- the very heart of the unemployment swell where everybody was being laid off and EVERYBODY was struggling.

My car was getting increasingly dirty with comfort food wrappers from being so stressed.

I swear my face was getting as bruised as my ego from all the doors getting slammed in my face with a stone-cold NO or “we’re not interested…” or worse… “GO AWAY!”

I was facing rejection after rejection -- walking and driving for HOURS hating everything about every day and getting more and more fed up with closed doors and rolled eyes. 

One day, when I was TEN HOURS IN... I had just cried in my car thinking about how much I was wasting my summer … dreaming of the photo-copies my fellow marketing majors were making at their cushy internships right now -- and my back was KILLING me -- when I saw a nice-looking man in his driveway.

Now by nice-looking -- I don’t mean attractive. He literally looked like he was going to be nice to me, and I needed that more than anything.

As I approached him with what felt like the last smile I had left -- he gave me a friendly smile and I started my pitch, rambling on about books and talking all about MYSELF.

But then, all of a sudden he was screaming at me --



I had chosen to study marketing at Baylor because I was fascinated by consumer behavior!

I knew that if I could learn to get inside of consumers’ heads, I could make anyone buy anything, as long the product or service solved a REAL problem for them.

So, fast forward back to 2009 -- it was time for me to go get a marketing internship, and most of the ones out there were just making copies -- getting coffee -- and learning NOTHING about customer experiences or how to talk to people or how to change people’s perception of a business.

There wasn’t much innovation in those jobs -- the interns weren’t impacting anything. They were just cogs in a machine.

Then one day, I was offered this crazy summer job I never would have considered… a straight commission “business boot camp” to give me “marketing and sales experience” ...

I chose it BECAUSE it was hard.

BECAUSE it was going to give me face-time with customers and real-life communication skills…

Thinking back I had 2000+ sales conversations that summer. LOTS of opportunities to screw up and learn.


When this man starts screaming at me...


Something in me snapped. I stood tall.

I told him that this kind of experience was EXACTLY what I wanted to do with my summer.

Then, I walked back to my car with my head held high, and I realized something…

This summer had been the most miserable summer of my life because I had lost sight of the reason I got into marketing in the first place.

The next door I went to, I committed to LISTEN more.

I started trying to get in my customer’s door and MIND instead of into their wallet and I learned WHY people buy.

I started asking questions instead of pushing products, and I learned HOW people evaluate things and WHAT they prioritize.

I learned that IF I could just allow them to talk, to share their pain points and problems, to hear their stories and CONNECT with them … THEN show them a SOLUTION to their problem… they’d buy every time.

And guess what? Despite a major recession people still bought (a lot of people actually).

And I was crazy enough to go back and do this a second summer. 🤣

But that’s not where this story ends.

I took this skill set -- this knack for understanding customer behavior into every job that I had after that.

Now, I run a social media marketing agency, helping small businesses do EXACTLY THAT. They can reach more people on social media by telling their stories and creating conversations that convert.

And in case we haven't met yet...

Hi! My name is Tracey Matney.

I'm a Texas girl at heart, and I've lived in California since 2010 with my husband, Richard (he likes to say he kidnapped me after we met at Baylor). We have 1 super cool son and a brick-and-mortar board games & puzzles retail shop in Redlands, CA - going online this year!

I lead a team of 7 amazing marketers and help our clients see Victory in their businesses.

And, I can't wait to see YOUR VICTORY!

There are 2 ways to trade info at a networking event:

So... Would you prefer to feel VANQUISHED?
  • Messy and Unorganized:  jotting down names on paper or in your phone notes app
  • Confused and Overwhelmed: Who was Jane?? Why did I save her number??
  • Wasteful: Let's save the earth from the wasteful printed business cards we all lose anyways.
OR... Would you rather be VICTORIOUS?
  • A Systemized Approach:  Set up your Prospecting System the right way, so you can actually follow up better.
  • Clear & Confident: Feel good about the connections you're making and come across more professional.
  • Resourceful: Be a good steward of your resources and utilize the technology right in front of you.

Yeah, me too.

Making the right connections is CRUCIAL to the successful long-term growth of your business. At a networking event, make way more

meaningful connections that you will actually keep in touch with.

The Networking Template and Training will make it easier and faster.

Check out what my clients are saying:

Here's What You Get with the Template & Training:

A Fully Functional Lead Gen Chatbot

This template will be all set up in just a few clicks and personalizations.

Easy to Follow Instruction Video

I'll walk you step by step through the entire process, so you're not alone.

Follow up Faster with Email & SMS

The PRO template includes email and text follow up to connect with your leads!

Here's What You Get with the Template & Training:

A Fully Functional Lead Gen Chatbot

This template will be all set up in just a few clicks and personalizations.

Easy to Follow Instruction Video

I'll walk you step by step through the entire process, so you're not alone.

Follow up Faster with Email & SMS

The PRO template includes email and text follow up to connect with your leads!

A little more info... 

Buy Networking Chatbot & Training

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Receive a bonus PRO ManyChat Bot Template of your choice FREE just for buying the Networking Bot Template & Training.

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